Tuesday, March 11, 2008

For Duty and Humanity

We went to the beach for Rachel's and John John's birthdays last Saturday.

I asked my mom to get us some Mountain Dew, and she brought home a 36 pack!

John John wanted a whip, and Matthew cut the ends of his to make a horn. (Although it wasn't very loud.)

That is where we went crabbing.

(John John doesn't always play very nice with the other children.)

Crabbing is fun!

Yay, more crabbing!

I found them 3 water bottles to put the crabs in.

Building the fire...

Rachel and I were very helpful. Sara just didn't take pictures of all the wood we hauled back for them.

Rachel's "Good Job" sign for Matthew for making the fire.

We roasted hot dogs for dinner...

...and crabs for dessert!

Apparently Rachel didn't like dessert.

Our cheesecake. We forgot to bring the forks and knife, so at first we just bit off it. Then Matthew got his knife out 'cause the crust didn't particularly want to come off.

John John was playing blacksmith with a spoon Matthew found on the beach. The spoon is know flat.