Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Post snow ramdomniations(Not realy, its still snowwwiiinngggg

We got up rather late today.About 45 minutes before my babysitting job started I became fully aware of the world around me.Snowy,.... white,.... extreemly cold.We did morning devotions then I dashed outside in the cold to feed my horses.(I only slipped and fell once)I came up to find Ruthie cooking me a wonderful breakfast.At 9:57 ( three minutes before my job starts,Oh goody) I realize that I have a car but NO driver.Josh currently is not allowed to drive with his wrist. I grabbed my shoes (forgot my coat) and ended up running and speed walking for 2 miles in the snow. I was only 15 minutes late. Then back out in the snow I walk home. I think that was one of the reasons I couldn't sing at choir today.Then coming home from Rachel's lovely concert,the freezing rain started.Actually, at my house it was more like icy snow! It was beautiful! and now my messed up computer wont let me post this with exclamation marks.


fullyrandom said...

how deep is the snow?

Sarah said...

3or4 inches and melting to 1and.5 inches....

JohnJohn said...

I wish it was snowing here. It did snow while we were at Timberline and again that night but I was asleepthat night. and gone while we were at timberline. So I have not actually seen it snow here since I moved back.

Jane said...

John, it was still there the next morning! Oh, but you didn't actually see the snow falling. Is that what you ment?