Monday, March 5, 2007

It's officially official.

I'm taking drivers' ed! Mon. Wed. SAt. two hours a day for five weeks. Am I crazy or what? It's mostly a social event. The only reason I get to take it is because four of my friends are. Pretty nifty, ay? But I still don't have a driving partner. I'd better get one, so I don't end up with somebody I don't know. No offence to public shooled kids, but you scare me. I just don't get along with 'em. All my friends are either from church or a home schooled group, and even then they're Christians. It's deffinitely outside my comfort zone, but it'll be good for me. I'm always in need of a good stretching. :) And I will deffinitely get it there. They are 52 kids in the class! That's 47 public schoolers! FORTY-SEVEN! That's insane!

I'm on our old pc, so this is the best pic I could find.

In refference to your comment, Chris, I really don't know why it's so long, but I do know that I'll be driving. :) Oooh! I need to get my permit. Oh, but the guy said he could do this fully mean thing. If I don't have my permit before I start, he'll give me a waver, and I won't have to take the test to get it! Is that not amazing or what?

And Ruth, was it the Donalds' pool, so it was indoors?


fullyrandom said...

fully mean! I won't have to take drivers ed. cuz I already know how to drive.

Jane said...

Can you get your license there before 18 without taking drivers ed?

Rushin Drill Sargent said...

You are so Blessed Johnny!! you don't have to go to drivers ed!! I will have to!! John is going to Drivers ed with Jane!

Sarah said...

(see Jane...your precious granny still is alive...:p thank you for the card it was very encouraging!)

Anonymous said...

I didn't either. :) aren't we cool Johnny?

Jane said...

Yer, fully mean, Chris. (NOT) :)

He's not too young. He turned 15 yesterday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JOHN JOHN!