Saturday, January 27, 2007


Hello Everyone. I'm bored so I decided to post. (Hint, hint: This could be very scary. Jane is known for her off the wall sentences of all kinds.)

So how be you today? Nifty, me too.

Guess what I be listenin' to? That's right!

"Num, numa yay! Numa, numa yay! Numa, numa, numa yay!"

Fully mean, Man!

"Allo! Allo!"

I love Tillamook ice cream! It's so yumalicious!

Guess what me daddy says? Totally gnarly, Man! And he says it in this weird voice and gets the strangest face! It makes me laugh so hard! I love me Daddy.

Ooooh, you guys gotta see these glasses!.... K, here they are. Me sis actually wore these! She looked way worse than I do.

Oh, I sound very rude. There's nothing wrong with the glasses themselves. I just think it's really funny me sis wore them. And 'cause she looked like a big geek, but that's besides the point. :) K, so is everyone clear? I'm not making fun of anyone. No, not even me sis. It just sounds like I am. But I'm really not. Because I love her very much, so I would never do such a thing on so permanent a basis.

This be me the same night. I was really happy 'n' giddy 'n' stuff. It was much joyous fun.

Oh, did I ever tell you guys about my dream? Oh OK, I didn't think so. Well, I was talking to me friend, Joe, in me bedroom door way. We were discussing how loud I am, "It just all comes out! Kinda like when I'm brushin' my teeth. My face is covered in toothpaste. I'm all droolin' down my arm, all the way to my elbow. I practically have to take a shower every time I brush my teeth!" Joe was just standing there, laughing hysterically. Kinda icky, huh? It's never been quite that bad before. Although there was that one time...... :)

K, so now what're we gonna talk about about about about about? :()
Uhhh...................................................................just a sec, Guys.
K, I be back now.
I wanna visit m cuz cuz in Alaska! Whaaaaaaaaaa! I miss 'em so much. I haven't seen 'em in like four years! Well, except for the ones I've never met. I've never seen them. Well, in real life. I've seen lots of pictures.

Becca can't get into her blog. It says it doesn't exist or it cannot be found or somethin' of the sort. She tried to update the other day, but she couldn't. What a sad life she lives. :{} - Oi, that be nifty!

No way! It's 12 to 12! You're kidding me! Oh, 12 to 12. That's funny. Not really. Well, maybe a lil bit. Na, it's not funny. At all. No way, no how! That is so not funny!

Ya know, I've been thinkin'. (I'm sorry, I know I'm not supposed to, but it's just so hard to contain myself!) I have conclused the conclusion that I feel sorry for the people who have to read me bloggy. I mean, the things I say on here. It's just flat out ridiculous! The sad part is that I'm actually bein' serious. Believe it or not (I know most of you don't), but I can

actually very easily turn quite serious in a conversation.

Dude! This is just my day, isn't it? I have conclused, yet again, another conclusion! I have a very strange personality. I mean, I can go from engrossed bookworm to extreme party girl (in a Christian sense, of course) in like five seconds. I am so good! It can come in handy occasionally, but usually people just run away screaming. But they never tell me what game they're playing. I think they're tryin' to keep it a secret. (Don't worry, it's safe with me. I won't tell a soul!)

Oooh, oooh! Guess what? I got to talk to me friend, Ami, from Vegas for two and a half hours! Yay!

K, so I should probably go now. Bye!



Hannahj11 said...

oh my dear dear jane.... honey, sugar and spice and everything nice..... and in your case, some salt! you add flavor, but at the same time, i don't even know.

Anonymous said...

wow you were really bored. At least you could ramble. Sometimes I can't.

Jane said...

Oh, I can ALWAYS ramble. I've never had a problem with that.

I'm glad I add a little somum somun to your life, Banana.

Yer, I was really bored.

Anonymous said...


Rushin Drill Sargent said...

dude Jane you are so weird. well Bye.

spunky red headed cutie said...

rachel is that you?

Anonymous said...

hi issy