Friday, January 5, 2007

Titles are sooo boring!

*sniffles* The weather outside is rather wet and snowy. My bro was going to take me skiing today but is blizzerding on the mountain right now and that just isin't much fun to ski in. Skibowl is supposed to get 17 in. of snow today and Meadows is supposed to get 11 in. And the pictures of the beautiful snowy mountain that I was going to show you won't load.Waaa! So now I am going to go sew some more, then go watch a movie and eat some of Josh'es wonderful cooking! Josh is making roll up stuffed steak with one arm....He is quite talented...oh...Michael is standing here telling me that he helped make the wonderful and delicious dinner.Kudos Michael!

1 comment:

Jane said...

Really? I find titles quite exciting. I like taking advantage of all the oppertunities I get to be fully random!
Yaaaaaaaaay! I'm back! Yaaaaaaaay!