Sunday, January 7, 2007

I just heard a really cool testimony earlier! Someone called my pastor and asked us to pray for his wife. She is really really close to having her baby and the baby was in a breach birth position, and the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck , and the placenta was in the way , so , that means that the mid-wife couldn't just reach in there and move it around. He emailed it out to a bunch of people. He still felt like he should tell someone though. God brought one of his friends to mind. This friend runs a program called WIN (women in need) that helps women that have just gotten out of jail.They take them into their house and help them get their feet back under them. They have a lady currently living with them who wouldn't listen to them when they talk about God, who said "There is no God". When they heard the news about the baby they started praying. Right out openly in front of this women. The couple went in to the mid-wife to have a ultrasound done so that she could try to move the baby. They hooked her all up and looked and the baby had moved into the proper position, the cord had come unwrapped, and the placenta was no longer in the way! The only one that could have done that was the baby. The only one that could have told the baby that it was in the wrong position is God. When the atheist Lady heard this she said, "I guess there really is a God!" Pray for her that she would come to a saving realization of God.


fullyrandom said...

fully random

JohnJohn said...

I had the same problem when I was born but they did not need to turn me. I was a blue baby and I had too stay in the hospital longer then most.

Jane said...

Yer, I think that's why he sometimes turns blue when he's cold.

It's amazing to hear about medical miracles. They blow me away almost every time.

Jane said...

Johnny, you did it again! There still isn't a place to post comments. And why did you delete the other one?

Anonymous said...

Hey, I like the testimony. It is neat to see how God works to bring people to him.

fullyrandom said...

well i forgot all about it, but it works now so yer.

you like that word yer dont you MJ

Jane said...

YER! It's nifty! I like foreign languages especially when I know people who speak them.

Thanks for fixing it!

fullyrandom said...

no worries

Anonymous said...

ur weired Johnny:)