Monday, January 15, 2007

I am SO intelligent!

Last night Sara put some taquitos in the oven on our new bar stone. She got it out and handed out the taquitos. Well, I was washing dishes, so I walked over to the stove and picked up the stone. I suddenly felt the skin being singed off my fingers. I made some very unique noises and immediately ran freezing cold water over them 'til they were numb (again!). I couldn't help but laugh. "How could I be so dumb?"
I got away with just a tingling feeling in my right middle finger and a good laugh.
So, how was everyone elses day?
"Why were your fingers numb again?" you ask? The guys from church played football yesterday, so we went to watch. The only downfall was that I was frozen! I can't remember the last time I was that cold. But it was lots of fun.

I don't know about you, but, personally, this is extremely encouraging. These guys know the power of prayer.


fullyrandom said...

your not dumb, mary

Anonymous said...

Sounds like me. Sometimes I just can't help touching the burner to see if its on.

Jane said...

Exactly! But I usually end up putting something plastic on the burner and melting it. My mommy get's so irritated! Or she laughs hysterically.

Anonymous said...

TOTALLY!~!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know exactly how you feel!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You are very strange Jane.