Monday, December 18, 2006


ho seems to be speeding up at a very rapid pace......currently I am trying to read 80 thousand books at the same time so they can go back to the library on time..............and earn money for Christmas.......aand shop for Christmas..............and play games with relitives for Christmas.........and I am currently thinking about what kind of job I want...............waaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Actually I don't realy want a job, I just want the money...see the small problem with that??????????Oh, and I am trying to finish up my math book so that I can get a jjjob...I only have....32 STORY PROBLEMS left...I strongly dislike story problems!!!
Sadly,we will not see much of Mary for quite a will.....though the holiday will fly by so fast that it wont seem so long....But in all of the hustle and bustle,I am so glad to remember that a little baby boy was born many years ago. So with that parting thought I leave you....Later Mater!!!!!!


Michael said...

bleck, Rachel you are so disguessting!!!!

fullyrandom said...

Merry Christmas everyone

Michael said...


Sarah said...

thanks Rrachel!...............I just realy need ed that encouragement......

JohnJohn said...

Are you good at with small things like beads? ‘Couse my sister Sara works with a pearl outlet and they mite need more stringers. They are most likely going to hire me. I actually already string one and only missed one knot, and I was using dental floss, ‘couse Sara forgot thread. It is actually mostly E-Z.

Josh said...

They still need more stringers?