Saturday, December 2, 2006

I got a profile! I got a profile!

Hey guys!

You know, I'm really startin' ta like these blog thingy mabobbers. They make me happy.

Anywho, back to the point of this specific blog thingy mabobber. I got a profile now! I feel kinda bad for those 19 people who went to view my profile and got nothing. I'm sorry! I really am!

And Sarah, where have you been? Are you still alive? I haven't...recieved much e-mail from you lately either. Oh, it was so beautiful! I opened my inbox tonight (keep in mind that I haven't checked since Fri. afternoonish) and guess what I found? Six e-mails! It was amazing! It made me so happy! What was I talking about? Oh yeah, Sarah's disapearrance. Any clues, people?

I miss all the good times we've had together, Sarah! Please come back!

Oh, and has anyone heard any more about Josh? I know that's kinda a stupid question 'cause I'm gonna see ya'll tomorrow, but I felt like asking any way. So I did! Wow! Fancy that!


Sarah said...

Hi Mary! Our internet was diconnected for a few days so I simply vanished leaving no warning.
Josh had surgery this morning and they stuck pins in his arm......may be you can see them tomorrow.

JohnJohn said...

Wait.....mary, I miss all the email. It's kida boring around here naw adays.