Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Edifying. (I hope.)

To be honest, I was a bit jealous of everyone who shared their edifying thoughts through e-mail. I like to share I just really didn't have anything to share.
Well, the Lord has finally laid something on my heart to share with you all.
Lately I have been struggling in my walk. I've been doing my devotions regularly and been in good study of the Word three times a week. I just couldn't figure out why I've been struggling so much.
In my devotions I have been reading Prayer by John Bunyan. On pages 155, 156 it says, "Now Your great help against this is prayer, continuing in prayer. Prayer wrestles with the devil, and will overthrow him:...prayer wrestles with all temptations, and makes them fly....'Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.' (Heb. 4:16)"
When I read this, the light bulb suddenly turned on. Prayer! That's what I was missing! I'm not praying in the right heart or nearly enough. I need to pray to over come my new found temptations.
I have been a somewhat zealous prayer in the past, but I realized today that I have become lax in that area.
Today I have made a decision to redirect my attention. When I pray, I will stop and take the time to really think about what it is that I'm doing. Prayer isn't just, "Thank you Jesus for my food," or, "Thank you Jesus for this day." It's talking to God. It's pouring out your heart to Him. It's a better stress reliever than crying. Prayer is a vital part of the Christian walk. It draws you close to the Lord. Jesus spent countless hours in prayer, communing with the Father.
I am thankful that the Lord has opened my eyes to my sin and laid it upon my heart to do something about it.
Well, as the title says, I hope this was edifying. Now it's back to school for me.

Much love in Christ,

God made this. Isn't He awesome?


fullyrandom said...
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Becca said...

God is SO AWSOME! I too have recently decided to pray more often. Prayer is a very good thing. and very important as well.

Michael said...

too true becca!