Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Literary composition

Actually Mary, the words to that song ......Love in the linden trees.........This outlaw is singing to his girlfriend ...I think I have the words to that song somewheres over in the house with an English translation.....*twitch* *twitch*

I just finished reading a rather somber book by Nancy Mosser called "Motzarts sister".It was a very good book though!It made me think!Think about life, think about how my reactions reach others, about how they react......the list goes on.......It is a historically based novel that I really enjoyed.I would fully recommend it to those of a mature age. If you are like me and after reading a book start acting and talking like the characters and you don't realize it then you might not want to read this.Anyhow.....That is a good thing if you are reading a good book but it has gotten me in a spot of trouble now and then.


Michael said...

oh no sarah gunnu be quoteing it

fullyrandom said...

wow you fellas write a lot

Sarah said...

Micheal I have not quoted any of it to you yet!Though,I have put in on my wishlist for Christmas.....

JohnJohn said...

What is the point in whish lists? I mean CHRISTmas is not about the gifts at all. I mean come on I am not even asking for anything inparticular. (As usual). CHISTmas is not even about giving. I am sure all of us know what it is about, and if you do not then I would consider asking my mommy and daddy, if I were you. I am not trying to be rude or anything, But seriously.

Jane said...

That song is called Love in the Linden Trees? OK! If you can find the english translation, I would really like to read them.