Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Not So Edifying.

Hey Ya'll!
I have the house to myself for an hour! That's not much compared to what I used to have sometimes in Vegas, but it's better than nothin'! I'm listening to the Numa Numa Dance song! It's fully mean!
I want to talk to someone, but no one is on IM. That's different. Usually SOMEBODYS on. Oh well, life goes on. I think.
We're having Tues. night Bible study tonight, since we all went to see the Lindekens sing. (I'll talk about that next.) I should have some Garretts by 5:30. I think. That'll be fun. Lizzy's a hoot!
The Lindekens were AMAZING! I didn't know anyone could sing so well! (OK, so that's an exaggeration, but they were stinkin' good!) I couldn't believe Ruth's solo! Sarah and Josh did a great job talking. Most people who sing on stage aren't so good at talking on stage, but they did a good job. And Rachel and Josh kept me entertained as usual. (My mom took some pictures and even video if you guys want it. She got part of Ruth's solo.)
I love the Numa Numa song!


What's up everyone?

I like........CHEEEEESECAKE!
I like........................PICTURES!

"Allo. Allo."

"Numa, numa yay! Numa, numa yay! Numa, numa, numa yay!"

"My-a hee!, My-a who! My-a ha ha ha!"

"Numa, numa yay! Numa, numa yay! Numa, numa, numa yay!"
For those of you who don't know what the Numa Numa Dance song is, it's a Romanian song we found on the internet. It's trippy. Rachel said that some of the words don't mean anything. They're not really words. I think that's pretty nifty!
Here are some pictures of my house in Vegas after my uncle got his hands on it.
These are of the front yard.

This is looking at the entryway and the stairs from the den. (The front door is to the left out of sight.)

This is my kitchen and living room

This is the backyard. (The sliding glass door is to the right out of sight.)

This is looking from the other side of the yard. (See the door?)

The first one is from upstairs looking down to the entryway (the den is off to the left there), and the second one is standing in the entryway looking outside. (That's my uncle's truck parked outside. )
John dug the hole for the mailbox all by himself a couple of years ago. The "dirt" (more like cement) in Vegas is as hard as a rock. That's why it's impressive. I think the hole was like 2 or 3 ft. deep. I was very proud.
Well, I think I shall let you go do whatever it is that you are going to do now.
Later Dudes!


Michael said...

you had one nice house in vegas!!
espesaley the pool{drool}

JohnJohn said...

Firs of all the it was only like 1/2 foot deep and the dirt was not quite that hard. It's hard but not that hard. Michael our house was not so nice until my uncle got to it. Which was after we moved.

Michael said...

oh the pool is still nice!!!!!

Jane said...

Oh. Well, it seemed deeper! Everyone knows I'm one for exaggeration.

JohnJohn said...

And it was like 4 years ago