Friday, December 8, 2006

I serve burned bread and a WONDERFUL God!

Oooopppps.......Really it was an accident! I was making bread and it was in the beginning stages....Watery, needs some flour, right?So, I filled the 1/2 cup measure with flour and dumped it in. While I was holding it there dumping it in..Ruth distracted me(she was making cookies)(See, She is my excuse...) and I turned halfway toward her. The mixer bumped the measuring cup and *splosh* in it went. I spun and grabbed the lever that operates the mixer...and accidentally turned it on high...Kasplosh. The watery beginning of bread splashed up out of the mixer and all over Ruth and the wheat grinder.....hey, look at that I wasn't even involved in the mess! It was a wonderful day today regardless of the mess I had to clean up......After getting in the shower and slightly burning the bread I managed to keep my clean cloths clean while cleaning up the kitchen. Now I'm at Grandma's where we get to eat BBQ chicken and watch Master and Commander. Hurray! God is so good! He put me in a wonderful family! Ruth and Rachel are the best sisters I could ever ask for!


Michael said...

hahahahahahahahahahaha lol

Jane said...

How's your Gramma doing? Isn't Master and Commander a good movie? I liked it a lot. Baking at your house sounds fun. Can I come bake something?

Josh said...

Do you burn your foodstuffs ?

fullyrandom said...


Michael said...

yea its a good movie

Jane said...

What's foodstuffs? I don't usually burn food. I think.